I'm catching up on my battle reports over the summer.
A view from a Dutch redout faccing the French advance.
over to the left the Fench are hurrying forward with cavalry ahead of the infantry.
I sned my small cavalry unity moves on to the flank of the coming cavalry clash.
Joining in... as Allied and French cavalry clash in the center
Invantery attack on the right though the corn.
The resultes of the cavalry clashe are mixed with the French winning one fight but losing two others.. leading to French cavalry behind the Allied line (but the unit is rather exauhsted)
Allied Cavalry takes French infantry in the Flank
Helping stablize the Austrina infantry line.
French intantry are pileing in as are allied cavalry heavy boddy blows ahve been exhanged but its anyones game as I have to leave... it was an eventual French vistory if I recall.