Tuesday, February 15, 2022

AdamC: Royal Navy Visit Coruscant 12th Annual Analog Hobbies Painting Challenge (8)

Well its been a long time since I had a post possibly my longest time between posts in any challenge. First my wife and then my daughter and I came down with covid killing my painting time (and painting ambition even when I had time).
I return with 4 Royal Navy three decker's 2nd rates in the Royal Navy terms.
The first three are Simon Mann's generic 92 gun ship of the line. It's a fine model I only needed to add some figure heads.
HMS Queen with the blue ensign
HMS Prince George flying a Red Ensign
HMS Prince of Whales with the White Ensign.
The last ship is Henry Turner's 98 gun London the model isn't quite as sharp but with some leftover pieces from the Warlord 3rd rates it looks pretty good.
Ok so how do Royal Navy ships count as "Imperial" well I have two strings to that bow. First the Royal Navy was obviously the keystone of the British Empire. People respected the British Empire because even if you managed a short term victory on land the Navy would come sailing over the horizon at some point and bring in more troops and firepower than you could handle. Second the Imperial Navy of Star Wars was clearly modeled after the Royal Navy. This is clear from the upper crust vaguely English accents and mannerisms of it's officer's.

Okay points four 2nd Rates ships of the line should be 25 points each for 100 points plus another 20 for Coruscant (if Peter agrees). This should add another squirrel point. It's good to be back in the game.

One more thing for those who are not friends of mine on face book. 
We are expecting our second child this summer (July) Evelyn is excited as you can see though she was a little miffed at getting a baby brother instead of a baby sister. She has gotten over her most of her disappointment I am happy to say.  

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about you and your families health issues. Hope you are well.

    Again, incredibly beautiful ship models
