Sunday, December 6, 2020

Brig to Small Merchant

Another conversion that starts life as a pare of Brigs.
Glue the long pieces together the trim the short sections down.
You'll need to trim the bow of the lower deck as well.
The trim the railings for the footprint of the forecastle and poop deck
Attach as shown. I added a trimmed down frigate figure head for good measure.
Take the top portion of a Brig mizzenmast and ad the lower portion of the main mast. I had to add an extra section to the lower mast to get it tall enough.
I used a frigate stern plate cut into three sections with some "green stuff" to make the stern.
I had to use some green stuff on some small gaps and to support the main mast. Normally I would wait to attach the masts but I can paint around them.