Wednesday, August 12, 2020

3D Frigates Arethuse and Mahonesa

 Some new vessels courtesy of Arofan 3D shipyard.  A pair of frigates that started life fighting the British and then fought for them.

On the left is the Mahones which I have to restrain myself from calling the Mayonnaise. On the right is the Arethusa.
The Arethusa was captured by the Royal Navy in the Seven Years War and was involved in the opening engagement of France and Britain's conflict in the American Revolution. 
Her colors work for both English and French ships in a pinch but I think she'll mostly be an English ship for me.
The Mahonesa was a Spanish ship and two of her class were taken into British service early in the Napoleonic wars.
I did her stern in red as a reminder of her Spanish origin.
These ships are a bit smaller than Battle front ships. The hight difference (especially in the hull) is less than ideal but not too bad. Length is about right as Arethusa was a 36 gun ship and the warlord ships are 38s. So that works.
The Mahones was either a 36 or 34 gun ship (I've seen both listed) so the shorter hull works here as well. Thanks again Arofan for helping me grow my fleet. 

In other news it's my daughter's 3rd birthday 

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