I have for had these guys in reserve for a while I got them(and some other Essex figures) from AJ for a few Flames of War Blisters at an Adler Hobby dead lead day. I had painted these up and based them for Volley and Bayonet.
Now the will form the First units in a Russian themed army for Maurice. Specifically it will be "Cossack" army but even an army built around cavalry needs a solid core of infantry
So what was 4 units of Volley and Bayonet infantry will become Maurice infantry.
One thing I don't like about Essex figures is the sculpted flags. These I painted by hand and they don't look too bad all things considered.
From IanS: 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry (150 points)
Hi So for my second post this week we have my favourite era and scale 6mm
Napoleonic Cavalry. All the figures are from Commission figures and are
MDF. I ha...
5 hours ago
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