I made my way to Havoc this year as a visitor (next year I will try and get in on some games). By prior arrangement I met up with Jon, Adrian and Cortland to start organizing out Maurice campaign. Cortland and I will form one alliance as we are at some distance from each other and Jon and Adrian the other. We have a "pick up game" planned for next Sunday so we can get more familiar with the rules and try out armies.
Checking out the vendors I saw there very nice 40mm AWI sets not some thing I would pick up for gaming but perhaps to paint as gifts for reneactor friend.
The same fellow also had a nice Medival line shown here set for a game using "Day of Battle" You can get the game and the figures at www.dayofbattle.com
A very impressive Siege of Sevastopol game (look at those Turrets!) not sure what rules were being used here but the board was very impressive.
A game set in the Age of Discovery, not sure what exactly is going on here but it looked like a good skirmish level game.
These beauties are from Silver Eagle Wargame Supplies. A painted skirmish army for under $100 how cool is that! I had to use and extream act of will to keep form plunking down the cash!
Ancient Celts in far more detail then I would ever attemtp.
Pirates looking very realistic, loved the shading affect this guy pulled off. Again it was an act of will not buying these.
Union troops lined up and waiting for their players.
Boston's Trained Band had a Bolt action game going set in Ethiopia one of the forgotten theaters of the Second World War
Old Friend Mike Paine has his pulp era gaming going well.
More Civil War battles
Attack on the Death Star a very simple but effective table for X-Wing looked like very friendly game Would have loved to bring out my fighters and join the furball!
Fields of glory long lines of Ancient troops doing battle.
A personal favorite, the Toy Soldiers v. Rats from the Nutcracker a very clever take on a literary classic turned war game.
It was great to drop in an see folks especially to run into Bergi who has been MIA with some health issues and was looking great it did my heart good to see him looking so well. Also a quick shout out to Rich, Lincoln, and John M. I twas good to see you folks again, to the new folks I met welcome sorry if it takes me a few meetings to get your names straight.
From IanS: 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry (150 points)
Hi So for my second post this week we have my favourite era and scale 6mm
Napoleonic Cavalry. All the figures are from Commission figures and are
MDF. I ha...
5 hours ago
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