I'm actually planning ahead this year. I have one specific army project I would like to do, a terrain project and the Bonus rounds.
The Army project is to build an Irish/Norse Gaels specific army I have 46 (if my count is right) Dark Age Irish from Footsore miniatures in hand or on their way. They should work out to about 230 points not counting any extras I get for painting quality, basing and banners (I have an idea for Brian Boru that might score some extra points). This great since this one project gets me almost half way to my goal.
I've even made up a few banners for my Irish forces I'll say more about these later.
Bonus rounds get you 50 points each plus the points of the figures I have plans for all for them (though in some cases I'm not sure which plan). That should net me another 275 points(assuming at least one 25mm figure each) for 505. I don' want to tip my had on these so no images at this time
The terrain project, the Bones Mausoleum, should score at least 40 points its my cushion in case I miss submission deadline for the bonus rounds.
I've launched the new parent side duel I'm racing two other "new" dads (kids under 3) to our respective point goals. I hope this will help motivate me to work quickly but we will see. If I loose I'll glad pay up. We'll have to see how much painting my little "helper" lets me get done
From FrederickC: More Polish 10th Motorized Brigade and a Circle of
Paradise [The Inconstant] (195 Points)
There is less than a week to go now, so this may be my final submission, or
possibly my penultimate, if I put my nose to the grindstone. This week I
8 hours ago
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