For may last battle I was the attacker in a No Retreat scenario facing Phil(the eventual winner of the tournament) and his Glider Infantry. I should have had the foresight to get a shot of the full table so you could see exactly what I was dealing with, A tough opponent and a table that was not giving me any edge.
With two hedges needed to cross the center of the table I just had to risk the bog check mostly I was OK. I tried to move a head as fast as I could but it was hard sledding. My goal was to get the objective on the right while forcing Phil to cover the left and hope his reserve rolls were bad.
Oh look my plan "worked" here are the tank destroyers...
Death follow on Swift wings but....
With two Hornies, 2cm AA guns, 3 Stugs and an observer I hope I can overwelm them..
Not the first time around sadly but on my second turn of firing I make them pay...
Sadly they get their hits as well and my assault on the right hand objective is driven back with the loss of a StuG.
You can see I did a number on Phil (killing 4 of his 9 platoons in total) but he wins this one 5-3. This is as good as I can do loose the game. Phil was a great opponent who really knows his army. The US TDs hurt me but died quickly once I found the range I still don't get what all the fuss I hear about is about. Unlike my other games the dice were fairly even this time around and I don't think either of us made any significant tactical screw ups. It was a most enjoyable day of gaming. I was the highest scoring player on the Axis side, both our winners had allied armies on US the other Russian.
From MattW: Belgian infantry & Artillery (208 points)
Belgian Infantry
The first of my Belgian Infantry battalions is a mix of Figures Armour and
Artillery and Battlefield/Blitz ranges with an odd Early War ...
1 hour ago
Nice Write up Adam.
ReplyDeleteMinor correction you actually killed 3 platoons (both tds and the 57s) and most the 2nd infantry platoon(it was down to 4/9 teams but passed morale)
Personally I think the TDs are a little too powerful. You did have a good army and scenario to limit thier power too. The Towed TDs are truly broken and silly in the ways they can deploy.
I think did make a minor error in my own deployment I think. I think I should have started with both infantry one tds, and the 57s in ambush. As the 2nd unit of tds has the mobility to come on and then later deploy from TD ambush.
The one thing with the TD is that its probably one of the hardest units to use well(but when used well its one of the best) as it can be hard to decide when and where to deploy as they are quite fragile after deploying. I actually think in general the TD is better on attack or in Fair fights than on defense.
Thank you for the correction it was a the 1st one not counting for a point that threw me off. I'm not saying TDs are not powerful they are but they are not the wonder weapon some people make them out to be IMO.