While my apprenticed moved to the right.
Will is moving up on a token while I close in on some others...
Will is disappointed when the token turns out to be my fools gold...
He gets a bit of revenge by killing one of my halfling thieves
Next turn he gets another of my troops as he ties up my troops with his war hound. Note a Frost Giant as appeared when I picked up a token.
His summoned creature a "Wolf" nabs one of my
My man at arms knocks the giant back on it heals and the archer hits it as well the damage is significant but not enough to kill.
My wizard cast push but the attack roll isn't good enough to drive him back
One thief of mine wins a fight...
The other loses a fight.
My Cross bowman has manged to miss every shot each turn (5 turns in a row)
My man at arms is down... and so I am backing away... Will is pretty gleeful at my predicament.
Then my crossbowman finally gets a hit, My wizard blows the giant back into Will's forces with a successful "push" spell. I got away with 3 tokens Will despite his a glee a turn earlier got away with but one. Will did a good job using his wolf and hound to tie me up and he got some great shots with bone dart. had he moved more of his soldiers up to take advantage of my soldiers being killed he might have wiped the floor with me. Instead he counted on ranged shots and despite killing most of my soldiers I got away with the win (he's young he will learn).