Charles McNamee (Mr Mac to us kids) was the best teacher I never had. That is I never had him in the class room. I got to know him as a freshman riding his bus and that meant hes was an obvious man to turn to in the Math/Science study hall when I needed help.
I really got to know him my Sophomore year when the Xavarian Astronomy club was founded. He was our Faculty leader and I spent many afternoons watching documentaries on the big bang, space exploration, and astrophysics. It was perfect for me as someone who a great interest in the subject but for whom higher math was a challenge. He also took us to lectures as MIT and the Boston Museum of Science. This included a memorable night where we met Jim Lovell... I can still remember Mr Mac's over the moon (see what I did there) excitement when he hear Lovell's voice form off stage. "That's him! I know his voice I heard it on my TV as a Kid, from Space! You don't understand what heroes these guys were to us!!!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm any rock band groupie might have echoed. I think Mr Mac loved astronomy because it combined all three of his great passion God, Science and the students at Xavarian Brothers High School. Mr. Mac was a monk a theologian, a scientist. He taught Math, theology and science. He also coached Basket ball for a while.
He was also a Blogger I wish I had know this before yesterday...
Mr. Mac died Friday, the last time I saw him was in 01 or 02 I can't really say for sure. I wish I had kept in touch but I won't dwell on that except perhaps to learn form it as he would have wanted. There is a line that always made me think of Mr Mac "Faith and Reason are the shoes on your feet you'll get further with both than you can with just one." The line is from Babylon 5 and I think it fits Mr Mac perfectly.
Shootout At Gongville
We played our first club game of What A Cowboy (WaC) last night. We tried
to keep it simple and limit the number of players; we went with four people
3 hours ago
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