Last night I saw a notice that one of my gaming friends had past unexpectedly.
It Read:
"We are deeply saddened to say that Dick Kirschbaum suffered a major heart attack. Despite the heroic efforts of the medical staffs of Lowell General and Massachusetts General Hospitals, he passed away peacefully on the afternoon of July 4th.
He will be interred at Beth El Cemetery in Chelmsford at 2pm on Tuesday, July 7th. There will be a memorial in his honor on Saturday, July 11th at 3 Trolls Games & Puzzles starting at 2pm. All are welcome."
Dick Kirshbaum center in his natural habitat at 3 Trolls Games and Puzzles |
For a long time I was a regular at 3 Trolls for the historic game Dick ran every Saturday. Dick ran a lot of fun games an was always very welcoming and very helpful. He was a Vietnam veteran having worked with Sea Bees as a photographer as my grand father was a Sea Bee in World War II I think both of us always viewed that as a connection of sorts.
Dick and Warren paling flames of war |
The 3 Trolls was and is a family store. Dick's son Andy and Wife Lila all worked there side by side and there is a great chemistry to the place. When you came in you know you were going to get your balls busted but that was because Dick liked you and the teasing could and would switch very quickly into a concerned inquiry about about you and your family or a compliment on your painting or game play.
running a game of Check Your Six |
A few years ago Ariana took a job that meant Saturday became our only mutual day off so I became less of a regular at 3 Trolls but I kept in touch and was in a few weeks ago for painting supplies and good natures ribbing, I am glad I went in. We tend to imagine certain people as always being in their place and that they will always be there. We know that its not true but that can be a hard thing to internalize, the truth is you never know when the last time you see some one will be.
You can see all my battle reports form the
3 Trolls here
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