Bob generously invited us (Rob, Ted, Tim 1 and Tim 2 Myself and Richard) into his home/miniature gaming museum(more picture of that latter) to play a game on his wonderful
Boxer Rebellion Beijing Legation table. Above are the French and Japanese ligation which represented my command. The rule set is "contemptible little armies."
The British Legation and sweet water well. The British had the largest, best garrisoned legation and the well we had to hold at all cost.
The American legation with a large force of US Marines commanded by Tim 2
The USMC was also responsible for holding a secion of wall.
French sailors prepare to protect the embasy
English women and civilians are also armed to the teeth.
Zouves begin a long march to the barricade on the the canal to protect the French, German's and Japanese form cutting us off.
As Boxers come boiling out of the city, attacking us from all directions
Rich and Bob |
Rob, Tim and Ted |
Seiks fight off Boxer assaults.
Ted sends men racing down the wall while Chinese army troops pick of the Germans one at a time.
And there they come still out of rang. Steady Lads.
The German legation comanded by Rob was roughly handled by fire from the wall. Ted's regular army Chinese seem to be sharp shooters.
Boxers are cut down storming the US barricade.
Tiger men advance on the Japanese legation
The French massed against the tiger men...
Suddenly find themselves faced with attack from the rear!
Tigermen storm both compounds ...
While the US and Boxer fight over the barricade. Bot attacks are replled
But Boxers have broken into the French Compound while another attack comes in on the front!
Zuaves to the rescue the barricade having become irrelevant French regulars burst in behind the attackers.
The French Sailor are too few and attacked on both sides the last of them form square and are surrounded and cut down. The Zuaves break the other Chines units but the French legation is in dire straight. The British legation and the Americans are doing well. France is in bad shape and Germany is in worse shape. France can hardly call this a victory but the Foreign quarter is holding.