Here is the first of these warrior ladies from Bad Squiddo I belive she calls this one Lathgertha. She is one of their practical female mainatures and I realy like her. Her stance is balanced and comfortable. Its not a "guard"but it is the sort of stance one might strike when enemies are near by but not too close. I like her simple chainmail and skirt combination. Its quite posible to weild a sword in a skirt I have fenced with ladies in long skirts, they have to be careful with thier foot work of course but thats balancd by the fact that thier own foot work is mostly hidden from view.
I went with a striped pattern and made her a bit of Ginger. I also did the Chainmail in Bronze before dry brushing in gun metel to make it look like it has a decorative quality. This lady strikes me as a noble woman who has prepared for battle in defence of hearth and home rather than a full time warrior. I did base her with snow as despite that description she will probably find her place in a Frostgrave warband.
She scales nicely with many other figures of the same nomial scale.
First up next to GW apart from the base they are very close in size.
She also stack up nicely with Artizan minatures, the size difrneces at the sholders even make perfect sense give one is female and the other male.
She is a little shorter than this Reaper minature but the plastic base under that snow accounts formuch of that size difference.
Gain a bit smaller than this Darksword figure but again the base unde the snow is big part of the hight diference.
this other Darksword figure is a near perfect match Lathgertha is a little bigger in the arms and face but that can partly be explained in terms of a more physicaly demanding life style.
Once again she is a near perfect match with the Wargames Factory Viking so much so that I was even able to use a Wargames factory Arm on one of her sisters (before the replacement arrieve from Annie)
She aslo looks very nice next to the Footsore minature on the left and the old Ral Partha figure on the right. Theire is a good bit of vartion amoung all of these fugurs in the details, the size of the arms, legs, hands etc but over all they work well together espeicaly at a distance of a foot or more which is great news on the game table.
From IanS: 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry (150 points)
Hi So for my second post this week we have my favourite era and scale 6mm
Napoleonic Cavalry. All the figures are from Commission figures and are
MDF. I ha...
1 hour ago
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