These guys have made a few appearances already but I am now done with the first platoon. I am using these guys as Sturm Platoons so the only have 6 stands plus the command team but MG/panzerfuast teams are formidable in any number. I'm using a mix of troops here the Gebirgsjages box a Sturm platoon blister and the Falshermjager tank hunter plister to get the extra Faust and MGs I need.
Bases were done with the tundra flock kit from Gale Force 9 as well as some wild flowers and highland turf from Army Painter.
Very pleased with the results even up close.
I'm loving angels instead. (Angels Sphere) 36pts
My last entry for Dante's challenge is for the Angels sphere. This is the
last in the 18 circles and spheres and I'm pleased to have managed to get
17 minutes ago
they look great! They're some of my Favourate German models.