For My Victorian theme entry I decided to paint the 69th New York Regiment better know as the Fighting Irish (36 figures in 18mm Scale). I wanted to use up the Bluemoon figures I had left over from my Longstreet Campaign so I can complete my Union army for that game.
I have been basing my Marching Union troops with 4 men on the center 6 stands and 3 on the 4 flank stands. This gives them a bulkier look then their confederate opponents making them look bigger (even if in game they are not) the smaller numbers on the flank stands give the impression that men have been hit and are clustering to the center of the battalion as often happened. I chose to do the 69th for its fine combat record and its Irish heritage a heritage that lead to an incident involving Queen Victoria's heir the Prince of Wales in October of 1860.
"On October 11, 1860, Colonel Corcoran refused to march the 69th regiment on parade for the 19-year old Prince of Wales, who was visiting New York City at the time, protesting the British imposition of the Irish Famine. Corcoran was removed from command and a court martial was pending over that matter when the Civil War began.[10] (form"
The 69th went on to fight in many of the savage battles of the eastern campaign of the American Civil War as part of New York Cities Irish Brigade. As a Massachusetts man it hard for me to give New York any credit but that state produced some damd fine regiments in the Civil War and the 69th was certainly one that would rank near the top.
The 69th Can't be ranked amount Victoria's enemies but its fair to say that the wouldn't have minded being in that company had the Trent Affair or the Fenian Raids gone differently
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