Still working on these and very excited to use them with the new Great War version of Flames of War. The trenches them selves are form Alien Dungeon the makers of All Quiet of the Martian Front.
I've been adding additional layers of brown to the areas around the wooden boards as they were not covered as well as I would like. I have let my painting over lap the boards a little to mat things look muddier.
its starting to look like a real piece of real estate the men will defend now.
Alien Dungeon's sculptors did sand bags in resin that are better than any I could do using putty very realistic.
The crates on top of the bomb proof are looking really good almost like they are so muddy they might just turn into puddles but are not quite there yet.
From BrianC: Alternative Armies, Rumbleslam, Rum n Bones, and Zombicide
First, A BIG thanks to Minion Sylvain! Awesome host! I'm not that great of
a miniature painter and that's ok. I paint minis to play the games. Another
5 hours ago
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