Thursday my late war Falsherjagers faced there old foe Chris' Polish commandos. The mission rolled was Counter attack one of those divide the table into 4 sections that games I was in the lower left hand corner of the table as you can see above. I kept my Marders and StuGs off board as mobile reserves. Chris started with every thing on the board. I was expecting a right hook form Chris and protected my self accordingly.
As it was closing in on turn six I move my other FJ platoon out of their fox holes and wiped out Chris' last Commando and brigadier "Yougski" his higher command team.
It was now a race to see if I could break Chris before he broke me.
On his turn Chris managed to kill one of my remaining FJs just shy of what he needed. I thought I was safe but then Chris remembered his Sniper who had been shooting at me all game with no effect. Finally the sniper got a hit, I failed the save Chris got his fire power and I had to test platoon moral.
I failed, used the commanders re-roll but failed... so my commander ran with them... so my company broke.
Great game it went right down tho the wire and we bother could have won.
That last shot made up for all the other missed ones! |
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