I seem to be having an issue with the photos so here is a quick summery of the battles last night. Full battle reports of my 3 games will come latter today or tomorrow.
My first opponent of the night was Don and his Finish tank company. 4 T-34/85 and one T-28 all fearless Trained. This was a long range shoot out on the farmland table, Don got one of my StuGs but I failed to get any kills Don won 6 to 2.
Ted and Rob were playing at the table next to us a hid and seek battle with Tigers facing Shermans an a village. Ted won 4 to 1.
My second game was with Ted on the village board. His Jumbo proved it worth yet again soaking up hit after hit. I got one of his Halftracks and bailed two Shermans but lost 4 of 5 StuGs Still Dumipfin was on a bit of a roll as he had now survived two games in a row. Ted won this 6-2.
On the farm land table Robs Tigers where battling the Irish Guards in a twisting turning that left a number of burning wreaks including one of the Tigers. Rob and Harry Tied 4 to 4. (though Rob racked up the kills).
Finally Chris arrived late with his "Polish People's Army" (Soviet Guard). We played on Forest table, a long range shoot out between his T-34/85s and my StuGs. My luck with the dice finally turned(that and shooting at trained Soviets) and I picked off his force one at a time with no losses including two kills for Lt. Dumipfin. This was a 6-1 win for me.
Vahringblancks, the First!
Wherein the army of the Grand Duchy of Kurland under Grand Duchess
Catherine encounters the forces of the Burgravate of Nabstria, commanded by
General Hier...
40 minutes ago
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