A lord can't waist time dealing with petty battles he has a champion for that some one to dispatch any problems I don't want to waist time dealing with my self.
I decided it this young fellow would be related to my priestess so I did him with blond hair and I figure she has decorated his shield with runes to protect him in battle (if the rune combination has any meaning its purely accidental) I might need to square off the edges of the white wedges.
The color of his cloak is also similar to the robes of the priestess. The copper broach gives him a little decoration.
The shading of the cloak came out really well here.
From FrederickC: More Polish 10th Motorized Brigade and a Circle of
Paradise [The Inconstant] (195 Points)
There is less than a week to go now, so this may be my final submission, or
possibly my penultimate, if I put my nose to the grindstone. This week I
1 hour ago
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