John and I met last night at the Hobby Bunker we only have the two of us at this point but we decided to start a Longstreet Campaign (yes I also sort of have one running with Nick but I don't think we'll be able to combine them). I rolled the hilltop scenario and decided I would defend you can see my line above(crappy photos taken on my cell phone but better than nothing as I forgot my camera). I have artillery and the 4th Texas on the left hill and the 5th Texas is on the hill in the far distance. The 1st Texas and the Texas Lancers are in the center one on either side of the stream john had expanded to split my forces. John deployed mostly in the center but with his artillery to the left.
The 1st Texas advances in the center as John has his 12th New York regiment (just to the right of the image) in what looks like an isolated position. I am also repositioning my Artillery as its clear John is not going around my left. John gets first blood with an artillery hit.
John is bringing up support as the battle shifts to the center. On the right a poor survey card played by me limits the field and John's 2nd US cavalry repeatedly dash them selves against the 5th Texas. John Drives back the 1st Texas though I suffer only a few losses (3 form this unit in the game)
The Texas Lancers take the 6th Pennsylvania from the side (not a flank attack) but drive them back the 1st Texas is not successful against the New Yorkers. But I also have the 4th Texas coming around on the left. John launches an attack in his turn driving back the 1st Texas.
At this point I launch deviating attack. My cavalry catches the 12th New York in a flank attack while the 4th Texas slams into the 6th PA and the still full strength 5th Texas hits the now dismounted 2nd US cavalry. I win all three combats (in part thanks to Rebel Yell) breaking the 12th New York and 2nd US cavalry. John has now lost 21 stands (passing his shatter point) while I have lost 3 stands. This is an impressive Confederate victory despite Johns hard fighting.
In the after math of battle both John and I are promoted. John gets Broken Codes that will help his scouting roll next game. He also gets a powerful Artillery reinforcement in the form of two lite and two heavy rifles cannons.
Current union strength is as follows 6th PA Eager Recruits Strength 6 and a Hero; 12 NY Seasoned Recruits Strength 5; 1st Mass Eager Veterans Strength 6; 1st US artillery 2 lite rifles and 1 howitzer; 2nd US artillery 2 Heavy Rifles; 2nd US Cavalry Seasoned Recruits Strength 3 also the 1st Michigan joins Johns army as a strength 10 regiment of Eager Recruits bringing him up over the minimum strength.
I also got some new guns 1 heavy rifle and a howitzer. I decided to form a new one stand battery with the heavy rifle and replace a six pounder with a howitzer.
All my troops are still eager Recruits (no see the elephant cards) and camp fever was fairly "kind" so current strength is as follows 1st Texas 8 (it had fallen to 6 but I used replacements); 4th Texas 8; 5th Texas 8 and the Texas Lancers 6. The 1st Texas Light Artillery now has 1 Six Pounder and 2 Howitzers and the Richmond Rifles has one Heavy Rifle. I also drew the Transfer Card so the 3rd Arkansas regiment joins with a strength of 6 and is rated Seasoned Veterans. I have the "friend in the state house card" but as my force is already over even that higher minimum number of stands this does not net me any additional troops. John gained 3 Epic point while I earned 7 so some Richmond paper probably thinks I should have stormed Washington right after the fight.
Johns new Artillery goodies will help him a lot int he next battle as he will be able to hit me beyond the range where I can get him.
From RaulM - AHPC XV Wrap up
I had a blast joining the challenge for the first time, it was a great
source of motivation! I've loved posting and getting great comments from
5 minutes ago
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