Monday, August 31, 2020

French Convoy defense

 This scenario was inspired by some reading I did recently about the "Glorious 1st of June". The two fleets consist of two ships of the line and two Frigates each. The British ships all have extra carronades the Frigates are Veterans and the ships of the line regular. The French Frigates are sturdy and streamlined. One of the French ships of the line, the Jacobin, is sturdy and overgunned. I played the French and Frank Shepherd and Will Hunter played the English.

The fleets start on parallel courses the French need to have fewer ships struck than the English at the end of 8 turns. Above you can see the situation as the Battle is joined.  The French Frigates scored early lighting the Belvidere on fire. The British ships of the line have turned to try to break the French line.

Both French Ships of the Line hammered the HMS Elizabeth a combination of critical hits (crew and quarter deck) lead to her colidding with the Berwick.  The HMS Sutherland then crossed Berwicks Sturm. Jacobin hammered Belvidere and began to turn to aid Berwick.
The English frigate Belvidere has recovered and cuts across the bow of Jacobin. It's a powerful broadside but the big French ship drugs it off. The other English frigate Aeolus cuts between the two French Frigates and savages both ships. 
After a fierce close range exchange of fire the the Berwick is out of control and strikes. The two French Frigates have been forced to strike by fire from the Aeolus. Jacobin hits Sutherland but though only lightly damaged the Jacobin is the only French ship left. Despite the battered state of the Aeolus, Belvidere and Elizabeth the action is a clear English victory.

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