Historically Commedor Rogers never found his fight in the war of 1812 but had he been delayed or the British fleet been a little quicker off the mark a great battle could have taken place in the waters between Long Island and New Jersey.
The American Fleet of President (Arofan) United States (Mark) in the center Congress (Will) to the left with Hornet (Will) and Argus (Mark) to the right. Face Shannon, Africa, Belvidere and Aeolus.
I ran the British fleet as GM for this remote game. I tried to concentrate on the two smallest American ships but was hard-pressed to close with the Americans holding the weather gage.
The fleets closed and began to exchange fire. Shannon and Africa hitting the President. While Aeolus hit Hornet.
President and Congress caught the Aeolus alone while United States battled Africa and Shannon at close range. Hornet and Argus tore up the Belvedere though both were hammered in return as she cut between them. Hornet was forced out of the fight/struck.
USS United States cut in behind Africa and delivered a devastating raking broadside

Congress finished off the Aeolus. Argus menuvered to cut odd Belvedere and avoid shots from the big ship of the line. United States continues to fire into the stern of the Africa.
The Shannon landed a fire critical on the President in two turn the fire would inflict 20 points of damage all but destroying the proud ship (and confirming Arofan's nickname as Capt "Ronson").
President wasn't quite done passing her strike test and raking the Africa from the stern forcing to strike as United States and Congress move to cut off the fleeing Shannon. Argus Rakes the Belvidere forcing her to strike.
Congress fires into Shannon damaging her. Shannon now below half strength can't mount enough sails to out run the all but undamaged Congress. The result is a clear American victory the Halifax squadron is destroyed and at least Shannon will join the US fleet. President may not make it home but United States should be back in action fairly quickly and Congress would be loose in the Atlantic to strike as she chooses.