Saturday, May 2, 2020

Remote Black Seas times two

last night I met with Frank, Mark for a game of Black Seas. Mark and I took the the French privateers while Frank handled the British Frigate.
Mark went right in and grappled the Unicorn. The English got the better of clash but still got hurt.
Frank cut the graples and raked the second brig getting a quarter deck hit.
Frank was able to circle the two brigs hitting us with multiple broadsides soon my brig was forced to strike.
Mark tried to close again but was brougjt down by Frank's well aimed fire.
Next we did a two frigate engagement. I ran two French frigates against Frank and Mark in the American Frigates. 
My first broadside missed second took one of the Boston's masts.
Mark's responding broadside set my second frigate on fire
Another critical hit on the Boston, Mark's frigate is hurt badly.
Frank's frigate also gets set on fire but his crew quickly puta it out.
Mark cuts across my first frigate and hita it hard.
I cut across his stern in turn and sink the Boston. Both French frigates are badly damaged. We call the game because of the hour and rule that Frank's ship could probably have rundown one of the French ships.

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