Arofan hoted a game over Skype I handled the Germans while Mark had my itallians.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Active Armor: Kidney ridge
Arofan hoted a game over Skype I handled the Germans while Mark had my itallians.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Black Seas the state of the fleets
The USN Currently stands at 11 ships 1 "super" Frigate and five 5th-Rates. I also have one sloop of war (treating is as a 6th rate). I have 5 Briggs (all of which can switch out colors to serve in other fleets). There is also the Turtle. I have The United States in the shipyard currently and the Essex coming thanks to a friend's 3d pinter
The Royal Navy is currently at all of one Frigate currently. They will be getting a few 3D printer reienforcements soon.
Here are the the Scratch builds. Two costal vessels, Gunboats, two Xebbecs, a Small Merchant (or possibly a Sloop of war/corvette) Three Schooners and two sloops. I nice mix to use a fleet suport, privateers, coastal defence or pirates.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Covid 19 update #8

OK that might be a bit extreem but she did initialte plaing with dads' swords.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Black Seas "Pirate encounter" For the Lets Roll remote convention
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Black Seas Reunion
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Making Xebecs
followed Guys lead in cutting up a pair of brigs per Xebec I wanted to make.
the image above is a good guide as to where to make the cuts, but you can adjust
some forward or back to make a longer or shorter ship. The short parts
can be used to make schooners or cutters as per Guy's blog and are a handy addition
to your fleet.
the deck pieces as follows I kept all my cannon but you could trim some of them
out at this point if you wanted too, Xebecs where used as merchants and these
would have fewer guns.
This is my preferred mast material Fire Forge Pikes left over from an old project

My second Xebec correct this error the fore mast has a significant forward tilt and the mizzen mas has a slightly less extreme tilt. I could have put it further back on the deck and been more accurate but opted to use the hole that was already present on the model.Next I attached the pars to hang my lateen sails from I chose to put the fore mast spar out to starboard and the others to port you will see this configuration in paintings of Xebecs like the one below.
![]() |
Antonio Barceló's Xebec Facing two Algerian Corsair Galiots. 1738 |
With the spars glued into place its time to start rigging. Keep it simple is my approach I strung a line from the bow to each mast and then down to the stern. I did a line form the mizzen mast to hole by the mounting for the ratlines to mount a flag. I also wrapped some of the thread around the point where the spars meet the masts.
cut my sails out of gray tracing paper from my daughters sketch pad I basically
cut the sails in the shape I wanted but made sure I was a little large then
trimmed them down to fit. The rear mast is an attempt at a furled sail.
I used some scraps of cloth its OK but not quite what I was going for. Feel
free to reach out with question hopefully this will give you some guidance for
your own projects. There are some 3D
printed Xebecs that may well prove an easier option, but this may also give you
some ideas how to proceed with your extra brigs.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Remote Black Seas: Lets Roll Playtest 1
Two French Frigates are in hot pursuite of an American merchant. Mark and Chris joined us as the French Captains. John joind me as the American Comador running both Frigates. I ran the Merchant as game master. Mark and Chris hit the Merchant on tunt one with thier bow chasers slowing it down.
Turn two Mark hit the mizzen mast of the merchant. Chris' ship was hit by both American ships but John's attempt to board failed to come off. The USS Congress hits the French frigate and a fire start. French sailors act quicly to put out the fire.
The American ships have hurt the French ships Mark's command is particuarly hard hit. Unforunatly the have shot pas the French and are now further fomr the mercahn that the French are.
Long range shots ring out... the French hit the boston causing a crew critical... this results in the two US ships coliding the next turn...
The Boston is hit agian and is now past its break point... Congress is still a fighting ship...