Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Isolation Update #4

This past weekend was my first full week (it seems longer) of not working.  I miss work (ok I miss the adult interaction it gave me) a bit but we are adjusting. 
The time I get spend with my daughter is a compensation (you know except when it isn't).  One recent change is she now gets to pick out her own clothing (with mom and dad judging if its appropriate to the weather) toddler chic at its finest. 
 We’ve been doing lots of walks and as you may know Evelyn likes to pick up rocks. The other day Evelyn brought a rock to me and proclaimed, “I found an ear!”  I looked an asked if it could be a troll ear (you know like the Hobbit).  My wife immediately says, “Like in Frozen!” That sums up the difference in our thought processes when it comes to Fantasy.  Evelyn agreed with Ariana having not seen the Hobbit, the animated (and only valid movie) version is a bit beyond her thought I may need to rethink this soon.  
Still really does resemble an ear.
 We made Easter Eggs for the town wide egg hunt and placed them in our church’s Saint Andrews window because we live at the end of dead end road that is up hill and no one walks by our house.
We also did the hunt and saw the Easter bunny from a safe social distance. 
One of our neighbors who is missing her grandkids put out some eggs for Evelyn and gave her Cupcakes, which she instated on carrying herself, and some pansy’s to plant in our garden.
Easter morning Evelyn and I made blueberry muffins.
Evelyn got lots of goodies, jellybeans, teddy grams and chocolates. Also, stickers and a couple of toys.
The Princess counting cards were a particular hit. 
Easter Dinner was Pork with a Fig sauce, potatoes, squash and asparagus.  Evelyn helped with the Potatoes and Squash mixing the seasoning and helping me place them on the pan for cooking.


  1. I'm finding social distancing a license to paint more minis!

    1. The advantage of not having kids. I'm still getting some brush time but not more brush time
