Friday, April 3, 2020

For Black Seas: USS Turtle

Plesee Play test these and share any feed back with me. 
USS Turtle
Size: Tiny
Weapon: Special
Movement: Oars
Ship Points 6
Turn Angle: NA
Rate of Knots: 3
Break Value: 2
Crew quality: Veteran
Special rules:

1) When Deploying the Turtle deploy two markers one is the turtle the other is a decoy. Move both as if it were the real turtle according to rules.
2) A ship wishing to fire on the Turtle must make a Seamanship test. Someone must not only spot the vessel but identify it as a threat.
3) Turtle submersibles attack by making a grappling check. This allows the submersible to come along side the target and latch on. Instead of fighting a boarding action the crew of the turtle will make a second grappling check to try and attach their torpedo. If they are unsuccessful the grappled ship makes a seamanship test at +1 and if they pass, they may make a boarding attack with no more then 2 dice. The Turtle can attempt to attach a torpedo at each subsequent activation. If the Turtle is successful it must make a seamanship test to disengage.
4) This is not a normal grapple the target ship continues to move normally taking the turtle with it as it moves and may engage other ships as normal.
5) If the Turtle cannot disengage it will be destroyed on its next activation if the torpedo goes off.
6) After a successful attack roll two d10 as if firing a cannon. Each roll under 5 is a hit. 1 success is a hit two successes are considered a waterline critical hit. (see below)
7) A single success will do 1d6 points of damage
8) Critical hits on the Turtle by gunfire will sink it immediately
9) Leaks are plugged using the same rules as those for putting out a fire.

Waterline critical hit table
5-6 ship take 2d6 points of damage and 1d3 each turn after until the leak is plugged
3-4 ship takes 2d6 points of damage and 1d6 each turn after until the leak is plugged
2 Ship takes 3d6 points of damage and 1d10 each turn after until the leak is plugged
1 Ship is sunk