Mark and I had the French Army ecoutiering Germans near Frankfurt
We oppted to focuse outside the town I had the infantry on the right.
We advanced with our two batteries making a deliberate fire.
Regiment Perche got an off an excellent volley at the German Grenadiers... killing many and causing disorder... Saddly my germans on thelft were routed in a crossfire, while the Gendarmes made an charge but the Imperial German's recovered.
Despite inflicting a lot of damage on the Germans we were un able to break the Germans on the right and our troops on the left retreated an Imperial victory.
From MattW: Rockin the 80s … Sort of (77 points)
Rockin the 80s
This week in between painting airborne and Greeks I painted some pieces for
1980s Cold War gaming. The vehicles are a mix of Hot Wheels and...
4 hours ago
Great looking game Adam.