Mark and I had the French Army ecoutiering Germans near Frankfurt
We oppted to focuse outside the town I had the infantry on the right.
We advanced with our two batteries making a deliberate fire.
Regiment Perche got an off an excellent volley at the German Grenadiers... killing many and causing disorder... Saddly my germans on thelft were routed in a crossfire, while the Gendarmes made an charge but the Imperial German's recovered.
Despite inflicting a lot of damage on the Germans we were un able to break the Germans on the right and our troops on the left retreated an Imperial victory.
AndrewB Season Opener Inferno Blitz! Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, and Greed!
Hello folks! Sorry for the delay, but let’s get to posting! I decided
this year aside from a couple projects I’m working on, I’d blitz through
the Inf...
36 minutes ago