Last Friday I wend to Arofan's and helped playtest some new rules for Late Middle ages Wargaming. I was Teamed up with Kelly and faced off against Mark and Eammon.
Kelly and I had an ambush set up and it worked great with archers and crossbow men quickly seeing off a unit of cavalry scouts.
and other a Archery units quickly establishing fire superiority over a unit of Crossbowmen.
Turn two things were looking good our Archers and crossbowmen had the flow on units of knights pinned down while our Knights had intercepted the enemy's leading unit of knights... Then our lord died in hand to hand combat!
Still we managed to hold our own for a bit routing the Crossbowmen and keeping many of the enemies best units pinned down. Still with only two lesser lords we didn't have the command ability to take advantage of our good shooting.
Our "second in command" was stuck holding the center lucky for him our peasants punched well above their weight holding off trained infantry.
Then disaster struck as another lord fell defending the village as our opponents stormed in with multiple units... the Archers and Peasant levies broke. A crushing defeat after a good begining.