Monday, June 24, 2024

Perils and Princess

This was a great weekend of game I'm going to start with Sunday because it was a very special day.  We have become close with a family at our church who have a daughter (Connie) the same age as Evie. Connie's parents are active D&D players and they mentioned a game called Perils & Princess a fairytale inspired RPG and asked if Evie and I would like to play. We both agreed enthusiastically and we played for the first time Sunday.

Character creation is a mix of asking questions and rolling dice and you get some interesting results.  Everyone has a different "Fairy Godmother" that effects your special abilities.  My character "Beleg" is good at singing, reciting poetry and a acting.  I can inspire friends and maybe put enemies to sleep. (Yes I kinda a Bard) 

Evie Character "Shatana" is good at making friends and has an animal sidekick. Connie's character Lily is about to shape earth and stone and and speak with stones and trees.  

Well we are exploring an cave complex under a giant tree at the heart of the forest.  Our first encounter was with a giant spider.  Evie decided to try and make the spider her friend.  

Shatana walked right up to the spider gave it a big hug and said " Let's be friends. " Beleg and Lily looked on in amazement as the spider spoke "You seem nice but I'm really hungry " and the then the spider jump on Lily.  I tried attacking with my sword but got bitten and poisoned... Shatana then got angry with the Spider for attacking an beat it to death with her staff. ( It was a proud gaming Dad moment). 

We were more successful making friends with a mischievous bumblebee fairy who gave us magical mushrooms. It was a fun day and both Evie and I are looking forward to our next session. 

Sorry the wall of text but we didn't use miniatures so there isn't much to take pictures of. 

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