More ships Printed for me by Arofan from Ghekek's excellent files. I now have a nice little French Taskforce.
The Heavy
Cruise Algerie Widely considered one of the best of the Treaty Era Cruiser
She had a good balance of Firepower, speed and armor. She never found a fight before France got out of World War II and she was scuttle in Toulon.
Next up is the
Light Cruiser Emile Bertin. She served Both the French and the Free French Navies, having carried French Gold Reserves to the Martinique.
She served as a Destroyer Flotilla Flagship and could operate as a minelayer a very versatile ship.
Last we have the
contre-torpilleurs of the Mogador Class the Mogador and the Vota. English Sources call these Destroyers and they fill a similar roll but they really are a French approach.
They are large, fast(39 knots!) and heavily armed with six 5.5 inch guns as well as Torpedoes, Depth charges and Mines. They are powerful units on paper but in reality they had a low rate of fire and that high speed lead to poor maneuverability. Many Cruisers and even some battleships could turn tighter then they could.
This Picture gives you an idea of the size of the Mogadors. US Destroyer, Mogador and the light cruiser Emile Bertin as you can see the Mogador is about 70% of the size of the cruiser.