Last game of the weekend Rich Wallice ran Eutaw Springs using Carnage and Glory.
Both sides advanced and then the British launched a bayonet charge...With devastating results driving back first the militia...
The second line arrived attempted a counter attack and was driven back.
Then more British bayonet charges more Americans running away screaming. We are bleeding them but they come on despite this.
Then the third American line arrives...
Guess what happens next? Yeah we get charged!
This time the troops stand.. more or less
Inflicting serious damage but many American units are fleeing... The end of the battle is a pyrrhic British victory. The battle didn't follow it's historic course but ended with a more or less historic result.
Many Rivers to Cross-Turn 2-The Village
*Guards Platoon 1, FM 8 (missing 2 soldiers)*
*FR 0, 5CD, Regulars*
*Supports (10)*
*Barbed Wire 2*
*Extra Infantry Section*
*MMG Team*
3 hours ago