I was very pleased to get invited to help Rich Wallace play test his game for the up coming HAVOC convention (I almost never make it to this convention as its the same weekend as my wife's birthday) He had created a scenario where Rebels (I commanded a brigade of militia)
My command started on the picket fence and advanced into the lane to take advantage of the stone wall (or at least deny that advantage to the loyalist infantry that was rushing up at us.
I was just thinking we were in a good position when I got a bad feeling and a Hessian brigade supported by Lt. Dragoons came marching out of the woods.
The Brigade be hind me is scrambling to respond and I have all I can do dealing with the Loyalist and highlanders to my front
The British camp is awake now and is marching out and attacking our line on the left.
While the rear militia brigade was able to forestall the Hessian's nearest the woods the Lt. Dragoons and a battalion of Grenadiers did make it out on to the field.
The dragoons caught a battalion of continental rifle men in column and quickly scattered them coming up in the rear of my right flank unit.
It wasn't all bad news as my militia men are fighting like heroes trading volleys with redcoats are short range and even seding the highlanders packing.
But then the sustained fire fight becomes too much for my left side battalion and it fall back.
The British Press us on the right as well and they charge the artillery pieces in the center as well.
We now have big hole in the center of our line.
and my right most battalion is struck form behind by the 16th Lt. Dragoons and is quickly scattered.
We manage to establish a ragged line of defense.
The continentals on the left make a brave effort to stem the tide but it fall short as the militia units on the right have been battered too badly with 4 units and one battery routed from the field our our army moral breaks. We had some 40% of our army put out of action adjusted to 25% by the second day when those scatted by the cavalry charges return to their units. It was a fun scenario and think Rich has learned what he needed to balance the scenario better for the Convention.
Many Rivers to Cross-Turn 2-The Village
*Guards Platoon 1, FM 8 (missing 2 soldiers)*
*FR 0, 5CD, Regulars*
*Supports (10)*
*Barbed Wire 2*
*Extra Infantry Section*
*MMG Team*
2 hours ago